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Retur  | Klockor & Smycken Solglasögon Solglasögon Twig

Twig Watson Blue Light

Klockor & Smycken Solglasögon Twig Watson Blue Light GulKlockor & Smycken Solglasögon Twig Watson Blue Light Gul
Klockor & Smycken Solglasögon Twig Watson Blue Light Gul

Watson Blue Light

Pris angivet av säljaren
490,00 kr      368,00 kr
One size
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  • One size
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Spartoo Premium Days tills 11/06/2024: 20% rabatt med Spartoo Premium.
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Produktreferens: 26405118

Andra färger

What is commonly referred to as "blue light" is made up of very high frequency and high energy rays of light, potentially harmful to our eyes. All electronic devices (computers, smartphones, tablets, televisions) emit blue light and their prolonged and constant use can cause visual stress, red and irritated eyes, headaches, sleep disturbances and even damage the sight. TWIG anti-blue light glasses are equipped with lenses made specifically to absorb a high percentage of harmful rays, thus limiting the unpleasant consequences of exposure and improving the quality of our life. It is a highly recommended device for anyone who spends a lot of time in front of a screen or for those who use it during the evening hours. The polycarbonate frame with addition guarantees maximum resistance to torsion, bending and impact. Furthermore, thanks to the flex temples equipped with a spring mechanism, they are comfortable and light, adapting perfectly to any type of face. Model: TWIG Watson Gender: Unisex Frame: Polycarbonate with addition Lenses: Polycarbonate Type: Blue light TWIG packaging

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